Monday, March 12, 2012

Diablo 3 systems

Players will have many ways to customize and build each of the five character classes, including charms, traits, enhancements, gems, armor, weapons, dyes, skills, and the feature we're highlighting in this article: runestones.
There are more than twenty skills per class, and a player can choose to access up to seven of those skills at any one time.

Skills primarily allow characters to perform special attacks and cast spells, but they can also activate defensive abilities, summon minions, set traps, or allow the player to navigate the battlefield through quick travel and escape mechanics. While these skills always present players with plenty of tactical options for defending Sanctuary against the coming demonic invasion, runestones allow you to customize skills by changing the way they look and how they function.

Official Blizzard Quote:
Currently, Magic Find, Gold Find, and +XP bonuses are averaged across the entire group.

Our developers have decided that bonuses + Magic Find, Gold Find + and + XP but will work differently for groups of players. These bonuses will be equal for each character in the group and subsidiaries sum bonuses for all players.

The group consists of four players. In total, their stats are 50% MF, +20% GF and 10% XP, each of these players will have a 12.5% ??MF, 5% and 2.5% GF XP being in such a group.

Playing with a companion, available for rent, as at present receive 20% bonus to the statistics of type 'adventure' with a bonus companion visible on the panel.

It makes sense since there was a leak saying they are going to announce it Monday + Jay Wilson saying it's pretty much imminent and then the stores got new info on D3 and one of them just leaked it.