Saturday, February 18, 2012

Diablo iii pc game

Diablo iii pc game
The 2008 demo was the first playable build of Diablo III. It introduced the Wizard class, and she was playable in the demo, along with the Barbarian and Witch Doctor. The demo began in the gloomy ruins of New Tristram, before players descended into the Tristram Cathedral and down to the dungeons below, where the Skeleton King awaited as the end boss of the demo.
Starting characters were level 6, the demo was PvM only, and fans on the show floor had 20 minutes per play session.
Speaking about the fact that Blizzard frequently announces games long before they are ever released, Pardo said the following: "We’ve been wrong [on release dates] for as long as I can remember. Now when we announce [a game] we just go, 'Here's the game we’re working on, we're going to start talking about it and who knows when it ships." Sounds like he was half joking when he said it...clearly Blizzard has an approximate sense of when the game will come out, but in terms of telling the public, sorry, you get nothing. In the meantime, play "Torchlight." It's basically "Diablo 2.5."