Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Will diablo 3 be pay to play

Will diablo 3 be pay to play
Diablo is certainly about the items, but later in the game, having to juggle all of those various runes was not only un-fun, it was a serious and tedious inventory problem.
We went through a number of different iterations, some of which we fully implemented and tested,
to try to solve these fundamental issues while still keeping the customization intact.
Pages of Training will now drop starting at level 6, down from level 8
The chance for Magic and Rare items to salvage into higher quality crafting material has been increased from 1% to 5%
Salvaging blue items now has a 1% chance to salvage into Legendary crafting material
Ultimately we developed, implemented, and have been playing and testing a new system which we’re confident hits all of the desired mechanics and solves all of the related issues – and that’s what I’m going to talk about today and what you’ll see in Beta patch 13.